Correos will launch stamps that will allow you to smell and taste Spain’s traditional dishes

Spain is a gastronomic country, with many characteristic recipes and quality products that make those who try them fall in love. For this reason, Correos has decided to pay tribute to this variety of Spanish dishes with its new campaign “Spain in 19 dishes”. This project of the courier company will be based on a series of stamps that will give off the smell of the most representative dishes of the gastronomy of each of the 17 Autonomous Communities and the two autonomous cities, Ceuta and Melilla.

Extremadura: the first one

The initiative has been carried out in collaboration with the Royal Academy of Gastronomy (RAG). The Community chosen to launch the project “Spain in 19 dishes” is Extremadura, with a stamp dedicated to Extremadura lamb stew. With this stamp, the essence of Extremadura’s gastronomy is gathered, a simple cuisine with rural origins. In addition, along with the popular recipe will appear Extremaduran chef Javier Garcia, as one of the peculiarities of this project is that it plays with augmented reality.

In this regard, Correos will launch a series of stamps through which to learn the best recipes from each community thanks to augmented reality. Thus, the stamps will not only incorporate the sensation of smell and taste characteristic of the dish, but through the mobile phone will be able to see how the recipe is made and will have access to a tutorial to cook it at home. A very ambitious and innovative project, so the rest of the stamps will be launched over the next few years.

Dishes from every Community

Other dishes chosen to support the project are: Andalusia and gazpacho, fabada from Asturias, Aragon and its chicken with chilindrón, tumbet from the Balearic Islands, cocido montañés from Cantabria, papas arrugadas with mojo from the Canary Islands, lechazo from Castile and Leon or perdiz toledana from Castile La Mancha. But this is not all, Catalonia will be represented with the suquet de peix, Valencia with the paella, Galicia with the octopus a la feira, Madrid with the traditional cocido, La Rioja with the potatoes a la riojana… Along with other dishes such as vegetable stew from Navarre, the Murcian caldero from the Mar Menor, the cod pil-pil from the Basque Country, the monkfish casserole a la rusadir from Melilla and the typical chicken hearts from Ceuta.