Squid Ink Bread Recipe

Do you want a recipe for squid ink bread to try eating something different? We invite you to make this dish that we think you will love. You can serve it as a bread for meals, like a hamburger bun, or it can be the perfect complement to a good squid sandwich. If you are a fan of the flavors of the sea and you dare to try new dishes, you have to get your hands on some dough to try this squid ink bread recipe. I’m sure you will find that it is a luxury!

Ingredients for the Squid Ink Bread Recipe

  • Wheat flour (bread-baking, 400 grams)
  • Water at room temperature (250 ml)
  • Sea salt (6 grams)
  • Fresh yeast (8 grams)
  • Squid ink (2 pouches)

Squid Ink Bread - How to Make it:

  1. First, dissolve the two pouches of squid ink in the water at room temperature. You also have to pour the 6 grams of sea salt into the mixture.
  2. After this, pour the wheat flour into a large bowl, then pour the water in with the previous mixture.
  3. Add the fresh yeast.
  4. It’s time to get your hands in the dough. For 6 to 8 minutes, knead everything until the ingredients are compact and the dough is moldable.
  5. In the same bowl, keep kneading the dough with a clean cloth. You have to do it until you’ve doubled its initial size.
  6. Then, we deflate it by squeezing it with the fist.
  7. Divide it into four smaller sized pieces for one hour until it becomes fermented.
  8. Once this time has passed, we make small elongated cuts on each of the four pieces.
  9. When the preheated oven is at 200 ºC, we put the dough in the oven for half an hour.
  10. When the bread is ready, make sure you let it cool. It’ll be better if you do it on a cooling rack. Delicious!

Text: María Jesús Colombo

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