Spanish Seafood Salad

Spanish seafood salad is a very fresh recipe of the Mediterranean cuisine. It is ideal to eat as starter or main dish. In order to prepare a great Spanish seafood salad you need fresh and high quality ingredients. It is an easy but tough recipe as you should chop all ingredients. However, it is worthwhile.  There are many variants of this recipe, since each chef prepares it differently according to the preferences of the diners in seafood and vegetables. It is a perfect dish to consume in summer, as well as at special times such as Christmas.



  1. Peel the prawns and chop them into small pieces. Then cut into slices the crab sticks and the octopus. Put these ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Clean and open the steamed mussels. Remove the shell and set them aside.
  3. Time to cook the vegetables. Chop the peppers and the spring onion into small pieces.
  4. In a large bowl add the cut ingredients and add the olives.
  5. Let’s get started! In a small bowl pour twice as much oil as white wine or apple vinegar along with chopped garlic and salt. With a fork help yourself to beat and bind the vinaigrette.
  6. Dress and turn a few times so that all the ingredients are integrated. Cover with transparent paper and leave to cool for a few hours in the fridge. It thus enhance the flavour.