Baked sea bream, a recipe to embellish the Christmas table

The sea bream is one of the most appreciated fish at this Christmas time to prepare it in many ways. Today we have chosen a light and delicious baked sea bream recipe. To avoid paying an exorbitant price for this product, it can be perfectly replaced by white sea bream or hake. Without a doubt this is a recipe that deserves to be on our table this Christmas. Thanks to this baked sea bream we can enjoy a tasty and low-calorie preparation to be able to exceed later with the most traditional desserts.

Ingredients for 4 portions

How to make the baked sea bream

  1. First of all clean the sea bream by removing any possible remains of viscera that may have been left inside, scraping well with a knife. Wash the lemons well and then cut them into thin slices.
  2. Peel the onions and then cut them in slices just like the lemons. The garlic cloves have to be peeled too and chopped very finely together with the parsley.
  3. Make three cuts in each fish back until you reach the central spine and spread with a good jet of olive oil, salt and pepper. Add the chopped garlic and parsley to all the fish. Also sprinkle some breadcrumbs on the outside so that the skin is very crispy.
  4. Insert the lemon slices into the different cuts along the loins. Finally, in a baking tray, arrange all the chopped onion with a little oil, some salt and the white wine. Place the fish on the onion and bake it all for 20 minutes at 180ºC. Serve straight away from the oven to the table!