Eating in O Cadavo

Eating in O Cadavo

What do we recommend eating in O Cadavo? You can choose from an ample selection of typical local dishes. O Cadavo is one of the main stops on Camino de Santiago Primitivo, and offers endless new flavors that will surprise your palate. There isn’t a lot of variety to choose from in terms of restaurants in O Cadavo, but they all serve local recipes. A perfect excuse to visit the town.

The great variety of food to eat in O Cadavo Baleira offers visitors an unrepeatable gastronomic experience. In terms of meat, veal and pork dominate most of the dishes. From the slaughter of pigs they extract many products like chorizos, cabeza, diente, solana, lacón…Of special mention and obligatory tasting is the butelo, which is prepared completely artisanally and can be tried throughout the year. The cheeses, bread, and honey are other famed products of this Galician locality.

And we can’t forget the other strong dishes like cocido montañés (“mountain stew”), prepared with delicious grelos de O Cádavo Baleira, as well as the octopus a la gallega and the churrasco. According to the season you can also find other products like chestnuts and mushrooms. In terms of dessert, there are many establishments that offer homemade sweets with seasonal ingredients, so nearly any option is good.

At Casa Bortelón, they offer tapas, raciones, and sandwiches made with quality, organic primary ingredients. They also have products for sale on display that can be taken to-go.

Casa Bortelón

There are various options for eating in O Cadavo. A perfect choice is the hotel restaurant Mondea, where they offer many traditional dishes. Some of their specialties include octopus á feira, cocido gallego con butelo, roasted lamb and cabrito (baby goat), pollo campero and veal a la montaña.

Restaurante Moneda