Eating in Bellpuig

Eating in Bellpuig

At the western side of the region of Urgell, right in the middle of fertile valleys, the medieval village of Bellpuig is located, a place that can be appreciated thanks to its beautiful monuments, specially to the extraordinary Renaissance mausoleum of its parochial Church. Do you want to know where to eat in Bellpuig?

The presence of the Urgell channel in the area of Bellpuig has transformed its lands into fertile places where it is possible to cultivate and find many vegetable products. They are the base to the preparation of the dishes that are eaten in Bellpuig, such as the escalibada, and can also be the complement of other dishes like the cocas that are made here. As well as in other lands of Lleida, the fruit trees are a source of delicious ingredients that are well known inside and outside of the frontiers of Catalonia. The olive tree has a strong presence, and thanks to it the production of the famous D.O.P oil Les Garris is possible. Apart from this, eating in Bellpuig is a great experience thanks to the specialties of the traditional cuisine of the village, such as the snails, calçots with romesco sauce and rice with cod. Between their desserts, many local specialties are famous, such as the orelletes and the panellets, which are marzipan and egg sweets, very popular during the celebration of Todos los Santos.

As a fun fact, Bellpuig was the place where the famous chamomile liquor started to be produced, a drink that is also very popular in the neighbor billage of La Segarra.

There are some options of places to eat tapas in Bellpuig thanks to restaurants like Valenttino’s, where you will also be able to order from a menu. The callos tapa of Can López is absolutely delicious, one of the best in Catalonia.

Can López

There are some good places to eat in Bellpuig and we are going to recommend you a few of them. First, S-Now, where the food is delicious and the service is warm and welcoming. We love their hamburgers. Xalors is another great place, an Italian restaurant that is simple but excellent. The desserts are amazing.

Restaurante S-Now
Restaurante Xalors