Eating in Sepulveda

Eating in Sepulveda

If you are trying to decide what you should eat in Sepulveda, this town offers starters such as the salad of roasted peppers, sheep cheese and portions of jamón ibérico (ham) croquetas. You could follow this with some creamed legumes or a dish of judiones de la villa with oreja and chorizo. As a main dish we recommend the delicious cordero de lechal (lamb), roasted in a wooded oven and protagonist of the kitchens of the village. You could also try the roasted cordero “a la sepulvedana”, which is covered with white wine, thyme and put on top of potatoes.

Cordero a la sepulvedana

For those who would prefer a different type of meat, entrecote, chuletón and chuletillas de lechal are the perfect alternatives along with the estofados de caza and bull’s tail. During the Fiestas de los Santos Toros, at the end of August, the participants of the parties prepare the great calderetas de ternera (a thick meat stew). Complete this experience with a wine Valtiendas with D.O., which is a true delight. We should not forget about the desserts: an amazing tiramisu, chocolate cake or desserts made with puff pastries and apple. During the Fiesta de los Fueros  (third weekend of July), Sepulveda is transformed into a medieval village where the visitants can adquire the traditional artisan products that are sold in the street stalls.

At Perorrubio (7 km away from Sepulveda) you will find the Taberna de Perorrubio, an old Castilian tavern transformed into a restaurant that prepares traditional but contemporary food. Their principal dishes are the saquitos de morcilla (blood sausage), tigres con salsa de miso, fried duck with citric sauce… They are perfect to share with your family and friends or for any other special occasion. The best choice is to order different starters to share.

The Restaurante Villa de Sepúlveda is a good place to eat some tapas and portions, but it also has a great menu with traditional dishes. If you ask for a drink they will surprise you with a small tapa, such as their tasty croquetas or their tortilla de patatas (potato omelet).

Taberna Perorrubio
Villa de Sepulveda

A great place with a wooden oven in Sepulveda is the Asador el Panadero, an old stone house that serves traditional meals. Here you will be able to enjoy the cordero de lechal (lamb) with a ponche segoviano as the dessert.

Cristóbal has many different saloons and a winery where you can enjoy their great wine menu. The judías blancas are a good idea: they have a thin skin, creamy meat and paprika flavor.

The Fogón de Azogue offers many different possibilities. Typical barbecues, broad beans with morcilla (blood sausage), salads, jamón (ham) croquetas, and partridge with marinade sauce… Delicious!

El Panadero
Fogon del azogue