Eating in Colombres

Eating in Colombres

Colombres, is a place located between Asturias and Cantabria, and it is the capital of the council of Ribadedeva. The turistic attractive this village has, along with its beaches, are the houses of the indians that lived in Colombres. Regarding the gastronomy, with just one visit to this village you will be able to taste the traditional dishes from Asturas. If you want to know where to eat in Colombres, we can help you.

The capital of the council of Ribadedeva, Colombres, bases its gastronomy in products from the sea and the earth. Here you will find a lot of possibilities: you can choose betwen the classic fabes with chorizo or almejes (clam), lechazo or the seasonal fish from the Cantabrian Sea. The gastronomy journeys you can enjoy in this city are numerous. From food such as the wild boar as the main dish, to mushrooms. If you participate you will find a great variety of mushrooms that grow in the forests of Colombres.

If you go to the restaurants of the region you will be able to taste the originality of the recipes that are cooked during these events, where the mushrooms and wild boar share the plates with different earth products such as the peppers and the stuffed onions. Another culinary activity that takes place here are the Jornadas de la Merluza (hake), another dish that is recognized in Spain and also at an international level.

Colombres is a small village. If you want to eat tapas or smaller portions, we recommend this places.

First, you can go to La Barata and enjoy the food in the counter or in the terrace. They have generous, homemade portions.

Another option if La Langosta, which also has a calm terrace where you can enjoy cider and another earth products.

La Barata
La Langosta

The restaurant El Puerto de Bustio-Casa Seín, located in the border with Cantabria, has fish as its specialty. The elvers are the most famous dish here, primarily when it is the seafood season. They also serve meat.

In Donde Flora you will find homemade food, generous portions and great prices.

Lastly, if you want to try the gastronomy from Cantabria you could drive to San Vicente de la Barquera, only 13km away from here.

El Puerto de Bustio-Casa Seín
Donde Flora