Perseids 2020: the day on which to see all the splendour of the Tears of St. Lawrence

The Perseid meteor shower, also known as the tears of St. Lawrence, is one of the most awaited phenomena of the summer season. In a place away from light pollution, you can enjoy the night sky with the aim of observing the Perseids. For astronomy lovers it is an unavoidable appointment, in which the tears of St. Lawrence can be seen in all their splendour.

Although in Spain they can be seen until August 24 and have been active since 17 July, the highest point at which they can be seen at their peak will be on August 12. This day will see an increase in the number of meteors.

Thus, the Perseid meteors will be able to exceed 50 kilometers per second. Famous for their high activity and, consequently, the ease with which they can be observed, the tears of St. Lawrence will be visible all over the northern hemisphere. Between August 11 and 13, their peak will occur, when they will reach an activity of 200 meteors per hour.

According to the National Geographic Institute, the day of greatest activity for the Perseids will be Wednesday, August 12, between 3:00 and 6:00 pm. However, the name “tears of San Lorenzo” is related to August 10, the date on which the Christian saint who died that day is remembered.

Perseid meteor shower

The astronomical phenomenon of the Perseids began only a few days after the beginning of the Delta Aquariids. This other phenomenon coincides with the end of July and almost the whole month of August. However, the time when these showers of stars achieve their greatest activity does not overlap, so 2020 is a good year to see the Delta Aquariids as well. In the case of the tears of San Lorenzo, this year August 12 coincides with the moon’s waning phase, so they will be better seen.

Finally, to see the Perseids you only have to choose a place that is far from light pollution and without obstacles for vision. After that, you can watch the astronomical show and see the shooting stars just by looking at the sky. However, it is recommended that the optimum time to see them is after sunset, to prevent the moonlight from making your vision difficult. It is also advisable to direct your eyes to the darkest areas.