The croquertilla: the tapas that mix the croquette and the Spanish omelette

Spanish cuisine is amazing. There is a great number of delicacies and the inventor of the Spanish omelette knows it. Two of the most popular recipes in our country (and beyond) are the croquette and the Spanish omelette. It is impossible to choose just one! That might be what Jano Cabello thought. He is a publicist from Zaragoza who decided to combine the most famous dishes of the Spanish cuisine. And that is how the croquertilla was born.

The croquertilla is an unusual tapa. It is a croquette on the outside and a potato omelette on the inside. 

The croquertilla is an unusual tapa since it is a croquette on the outside and a potato omelette on the inside. As its creator says, “the croquertilla is open source”. He therefore encourages everybody to prepare it and reinvent it. Everybody can try it!

Where does this crazy (and delightful) idea come from? Jano Cabello loves cooking and decided to join the program “La Batalla de las Tapas” broadcast by Aragon television where participants should reinvent a Spanish tapa. He came up with the idea while having dinner with his family and friends at home. With the crunchy texture of a croquette together with the juiciness of the Spanish omelette, the croquertilla is here to stay.

Do it yourself!

The croquertilla: the tapa that mix the croquette and the Spanish omelette | Facebook @lacroquertilla

As said in the website croquertilla.com, the croquertilla is easy to cook. You just have to stay positive and open your mind. The croquertilla may have more in common with the Spanish omelette than the croquette itself since this one has bechamel sauce. However, omelette flavour is more present. His creator is currently thinking about different combinations which include black pudding or chistorra (a type of sausage) inside. We will try the croquertilla so far and encourage you to prepare it.



  1. For a juicy omelette, potatoes and onions must be fried on a low heat. Do not add onion if you do not like it. When they are almost done, brown them over a high heat.
  2. Beat the eggs and mix them with the potatoes and the onion (draining the old oil). Add salt.
  3. Let the potatoes suck the egg for a while and do not be in a hurry to put the mixture in the frying pan, this will make the interior juicy.
  4. Now put the mixture in the frying pan, turn it a few times so that the egg sets and take it out.
  5. Time to get dirty. Shape the tortilla into a ball and pass it through the flour. Then, pass it through the egg and breadcrumbs.
  6. Fry over high heat so that they are made only on the outside. Then it is time to enjoy! Do not be anxious, or you will get burned.