Eating in Espot Esquí

Eating in Espot Esquí

Espot Esquí is located in the region of Pallars Sobirña, close to the National Park of Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. The area of the resort includes a natural area of high mountain that can be used to practice all kinds of sports activities such as hiking, climbing and biking during the months without snow. Do you want to know where to eat in Espot?

The cuisine of the region of Pallars Sobirá is based on the region where the village is located. Mountains where the self-sufficiency has traditionally been the way of living. Therefore, some traditional activities such as the ranching and agriculture are still the pillars of everything there is to eat in Espot. The lamb, calf and pork meats are the most consumed ones close to the resort, and they can be roasted, grilled, stewed or eaten as the traditional embutidos (sausage). Due to the characteristics mentioned before, the trout is one of the types of fresh fish that can be eaten here. The cod and other species of good conservation are also present in some traditional recipes. The cuisine of these valleys is conditioned by the strong seasons, reason why some products like the mushrooms are very appreciated during some months of the year, becoming a fundamental element of the local cuisine. The classic desserts from the region are known for recipes like the filiberto, made with ice cream and redcurrant and created in the restaurant Casa Kiko from Llesui, a sweet that has ended up being popular in the whole territory from Pallars.


If you want to eat in Espot Esquí we recommend you to drive to the village of Espote. There you will be able to eat in a less formal way some excellent hamburgers in a place called Burguerplatz. Great bread, meat and potatoes. The best? You will also be able to order vegan hamburgers.

Restaurante Burgerplatz

It is possible to find good places to eat in Espot Esqui and its surroundings. La Llúpia is one of the most popular places of Espot, a recommendable place due to its cuisine of a strong regional flavor made with seasonal products of a great quality.

Another place you should go to if you want to eat in Espot is Juquim, where delicious dishes are prepared using fresh ingredients. The recipes are inspired on the cuisine from the Pallaresa cuisine. They have some hunting meats and many local recipes.

The village of Esterri d’Aneu is where the restaurant Els Puis is located, inside of the hotel with the same name. This is a place that offers a menu based on the region tradition, with food prepared using first quality ingredients and following the techniques of a more contemporary cuisine.

Nabiu is a restaurant located in the small village of Isavarre. Their specialties are the fondues and the raclettes, served with potatoes, traditional embutidos (sausage) and other meats.

Restaurante La Llúpia
Restaurante Juquim