Eating in Torrecaballeros

Eating in Torrecaballeros

The greatest attraction in Torrecaballeros is its gastronomy. They also have many interesting places such as the San Nicolás de Bari church, with a medieval construction, and some hermitages around the city. You will be able to choose between a good variety of restaurants and bars in here. Apart from the traditional dishes, this village is known for their quality products and good recipes.

The gastronomy of Torrecaballeros is an extension of the cuisine we can find in Segovia. Here, the cochinillo (pork) is the protagonist, specifically the tostón segoviano, a type of piglet that is only nourished with its mother’s breast milk and doesn’t live for more than three weeks. It should be eaten maximum six days after its death, and it is usually cooked with salt, water and fire. The result is a juicy meat and a crusty, think skin.

Caldereta de cordero
Caldereta de cordero

Another dish that we will find in most of the restaurants is the caldereta. If you want to taste it you should go to the Fiesta de San Miguel (at the end of September), that finishes with a tasting of this delicious meal. To finish, nothing better than a ponche segoviano or any other homemade sweet.

Mesón Camilo is a great place to eat tapas. Here, if you order a couple of beers you will get a great variety of tapas. The jamón ibérico (ham) is a good option to drink the beer with.

Meson Camilo

The options of places to eat in Torrecaballeros have multiplied during the last years. A perfect place is the Rancho de la Aldegüela, as it owns three different restaurants: Rancho, where you can try the delicious lamb and the traditional roasted piglet; the Taberna, for those who are searching for something more casual and with a great menu; and the bar Rancho, for the portions’ lovers. This last one also has a terrace that is perfect to enjoy your meal at.

Another option if the Portada del Mediodía, a rural place where you can eat some traditional and seasonal dishes. The terrace is the perfect place to have a romantic dinner at. The embutidos (sausages) and shrimps are some great starters.

El rancho
La portada del mediodia