Eating in El Espinar

Eating in El Espinar

If you wish to eat in El Espinar you should be aware that meat and mushrooms will be present in almost every recipe. All of them different and delicious! In addition if you are a “sharing” lover and you like to eat tapas, this region is your place to be. Eating in El Espinar will be an easy task as almost every bar and restaurant offers quality food.

El Espinar is famous for its gastronomic variety. You can enjoy different types of mushrooms that grow in the area and try the best lambs and pigs from the farms that are typical from the region.

Setas Rellenas
Carne con niscalos y patatas
Pincho de cerdo

Tapas are part of its culture and they organise a Tapas Challenge in which restaurants compete to create small bites of typical repices that visitors and locals will be able to enjoy. Furthermore, trying its pastries and desserts such as arroz con leche or ponche segoviano is a must.

In the bar La Facultad you will find lots of appetizers and raciones: hamburgers, croquetas, potatoes… On Thursdays every drink gets a free pot of “cocido”.

La facultad

Even if it is a very small location, there are lots of restaurants. The Casa Marino stands out due to its homemade dishes that changes depending on the season. There are many options: cocido, calamari, judiones, cochinillo… Really nice!

Another excellent option if you want quality food is the restautant El Espino. It is characteristic for its shot but premium menu that differs from its competitors. Meatballs, mushroom soup, goatcheese salad and smoked sardines stand out.

Casa Marino
El espino