Eating in Cuéllar

Eating in Cuéllar

You’ll not only find mear if you go to have lunch or dinner in Cuéllar because here fishes and seasonal ingredients are a popular option. Don’t leave without trying one of its typical desserts and sweets, perfect for a snack as well. There are many options to eat in Cuellar so we have picked the best.

If you wish to know what to eat in Cuéllar let us tell you that the speciality is roasted lamb but you can also opt for pig or beef that can be cooked in the grill, roasted or with diverse sauces.

As an alternative to the red meat of the area, restaurants also offer the chance to try grilled fish, seasonal stews of níscalos, endibias and other vegetables along with soup from Castilla (bread and garlic soup).

If you want to eat tapas don’t forget the homemade “embutidos” and try “mondejo”

Ponche Segoviano

They will offer you a wide variety of homemade pastries such as the milhojas cake, bizcochos borrachos (“drunk cake”) or the ponche segoviano. Cheese from Cuéllar is also used for its confectionery. Don’t forget about the excellent wine from Valtiendas.

At the bar Las Bolas you will find homemade tapas on a budget. Its is a place to pass by and order its crunchy artrichoke, its croquetas, octopus, or its cod.

The restaurant San Basilio joins everything together, dayly menus, raciones and tapas. Try its meat stew or its juicy hake.

Las Bolas
San Basilio

We will mention some of the many recommended restaurants in Cuéllar:

La Brasería, famous for its excellent beef from their own farm. This fancy restaurant will leave you satisfied.

The restaurant of the Florida Hotel (since 1959), offers traditional food with a touch of contemporary cuisine. Enjoy its delicious desserts at its garden after trying the roasted lamb that made it famous.

In El Henar you will find high quality and pleasant servers that will offer you their natural beers, meats and fish while enjoying of its awesome location.

During the weekends of February and March the region celebrates the Jornadas entre Cucharas y Pucheros. Five restaurants participate offering small pots (cazuelitas) to try “spoon dishes” on a budget.

Visit the Delicias bakery to discover a great variety of pastries.

La Braseria
Hotel Florida