Eating in Navas del Marques

Eating in Navas del Marques

Navas del Marques, a town located in the southern part of the Sierras in Malagon, is a popular tourist spot and has one of the largest populations within Castile and Leon. If you are going to eat in Navas del Marques we recommend trying the chuleton de Avila and one of its flavorful stews. Additionally, eating tapas in Navas del Marques is delightful, since there are several festivals celebrating tapas in the town.

If you want to know what to eat in Navas del Marques we recommend the torreznos-with patatas meneás or revolconas, called the pote navero-, the morcilla- with locally made onion- or the loin- pickled with a slice of bread. The chuleton de Avila, spectacular part of the juicy grilled Avila meat with I.G.P., is one of the famous specialties within this area, usually accompanied with a side of potatoes.

In addition to the potato stews with rabbit, cod, potatoes or sausage; the Castile soup isn’t bad with bread seasoned with garlic and paprika, a poached egg and ham. Navas del Marques is located in a pine forest where you can find a variety of mushrooms. In 2013, they celebrated the Jornadas Gastronómicas de Setas y Recetas for the first time and, due to its success, now they celebrate three festivals throughout the year. During a weekend in March De Tapas por Las Navas: Jornadas de Puchero y Mantaza takes place and the establishments offer stews in the morning and game meat in the afternoon. In July, during the fiestas patronales, they celebrate De Tapas por las Navas, with a tapas competition and in the fall, coinciding with the mushroom harvest, Micotapas takes place.

Navas del Marques also offers two types of sweets: the mantecados and the bollos de leche con anís. The first is a dessert made from butter, sugar and almonds that is normally enjoying around Christmas. The bollos de leche is a soft crumbly cake with a light aniseed flavor.

The restaurant Montecarlo supports market cuisine with a creative touch. An interesting option, especially if your visit coincides with some of the culinary festivals. This is the perfect place to order patatas revolconas.

Another restaurant that you must keep in mind is Mogambo, perfect for enjoying tapas. If you order the ensaladilla rusa or hamburguesa de buey you will leave more than satisfied.

And for our third option we recommend the restaurant Elio’s with both traditional and modern dishes. Their croquetas are incredible.

If you are looking for a place to eat in Navas del Marques, a town that practically triples its population during the summer months and receives many visitors, you will find several grills, taverns, restaurants, bars and cafes. Along its main streets and around the village you can enjoy dishes typical of the area.

In Magalia they prepare grilled meat and fish. In addition to an extensive menu, the restaurant is ideal for every type of celebration and event. Here you can find quality roasted and grilled meat.