Eating in Avilés

Eating Avilés

Avilés, was the first port from Asturias. This town has a lot to offer. Sea products are a must and tapas a classic. Enjoy them both during the Tapa Week!!

Eating in Avilés will be an easy task as this town offers a wide variety of options. Enjoy its gastronomic fairs that take place along the year: the Muestra del Queso y el Vino, the Feria del Embutido or the Amangüestu de Castañas are some of them.

Take the chance to visit the rula of the first fishing port of Asturias and discover how its tasty products are autioned. One of the main recipes is the merluza avilesina (hake) cooked in the oven and acompaigned by salty cream and mussels.

Walk its streets looking for tapas bars that you can only eat in Avilés, they tend to be specially designed for the Tapa Week or the Casserole Fair. You’ll find homemade cheese such as La Peral or the Gorfolí as well as other products such as cod, mushrooms or fabes

After eating in Avilés don’t forget to try its renowned sweets. Cross its centenary confectionery and try the marañuelas, pumariegas and mantecados. Of course, the sidra from Asturias with D.O. is also a must!

To eat in Avilés some tapas the options are really wide so we are going to mention some of our favorite places to eat.
First of all, El Rinconin, is famous for its sidra where you’ll find really good tapas given for free with your beverage.
Right after you can go to the Maruxa Bar. It will surprise you for its own wines and vermut called la Compuesta. It is a classic.
Last but not least, fish lovers must go to la Botella a mandatory stop.

Sidrería El Rinconcín
Restaurante la Botella

Amond the many and numeros restaurants we recommend you Casa Tataguyo. It has been there for longer than a century and it is famous for its excellent fish and seafood or for its sausage with french fries.

In the restaurant D’Miranda works the pretigious Koldo Miranda (with a Michelin Star) and you will enjoy quality food by ordering one of its menus: Ejecutivo, Weekend, Degustación, etc.

You can also eat at the Restaurante Yume. It is really famous as it mixes the Oriental and the Asturian food. Its service will never decipt you.

Restaurante D'Miranda
Casa Tataguyo