Eating in Valdelinares

Eating in Valdelinares

The ski resort of Valdelinares appeared as a private iniciative of a group of fans of winter sports and it only had got one slope at its origins. Along the years Valdelinares modernised its facilities.  

There are many options for eating in Valdelinares, a place which gastronomy is strongly linked to the land and to the local products and popular tradition from the region. The ternasco, lamb ribs, game meat and embutidos are some of the strong points of the region. Mushrooms grow in the forests of the area and in autumn they pop and are included in many different delicious seasonal dishes. Same happens with the black truffle, one of the most precious products of the region. Other recipes that have a strong regional flavour are the migas, the empedrao, the bolos or the regañao which are also easy to find in the menus of the restaurants of Valdelinares and in the pantries of the local families. The local confetionery, sometimes influenced by the muslim influence, is a good option to finish eating in Valdelinares.

There are new facilities from the ski resort of Valdelinares. First of all the Cafetería 1900 is a place where you can get a panoramic of the resort, the Gúdar forest and the town of Valdelinares. You can order a bit of everything from nuggets to ternasco or a sandwich of fresh bacon from Teruel elaborated with artisanal bread and alioli sauce to croquettes and mussels.

Another good place for eating in Valdelinares is the Bocatería 2000. It is located up in the slope and it is the perfect place to enjoy a sandwich without loosing too much time and continue skiing.

Both have very big terraces.

In addition to the offer of the ski resort itself, it is easy to find numerous good stablishments for eating in Valdelinares and its surroundings. In Alcalá de la Selva er find the restaurant Corella that offers a typical menu with quality ingredients.

Rincón de Juanjo is a very popular restaurant in La Virgen de la Vega. Its dishes are inspired in the traditional recipes of the Gúdar forest and has many grilled meats and other typical stews.

In Linares de Mora we recommend going to El Portalico. It is a very classic place with a strong local essence and a very attractive daily menu.

Melanosporum located in La Trufa Nefra is one of the best rated places for eating nearby Valdelinates. Its creations are very creative and mix modernity and tradition.

Restaurante El Rincón de Juanjo
Restaurante El Portalico
Restaurante Portal del Carmen