Eating in Montañana

Eating in Montañana

The locality of Puente de Montañana is full of traditional flavours. Eating in Montañana gives you the chance to try meat and sausages of the first quality.

The historical set of Montañana is a small nucleous semi abandomned that belongs to Puente de Montañana. Its gastronomy is very traditional and is typical from the Ribagorza region. It is based on hunting, fishing and agriculture.

In January after the matanza of the pig, lots of pork based dishes are prepared specially sausages and all kind of embutidos.With the lamb they elaborate chiretas and from the wild pigs and deers they elaborate delicious stews. The floors of the forests in Puente Montañana are very fertile and it is possible to collect different species of mushrooms.

We suggest you to visit our A la Carte section.

In order to know where to eat in Montañana, we have to take into consideration the depopulation that is taking place intown.

The restaurant Pallas is a place of local cuisine and grilled meat that also has a bakery where you can get diverse specialties.

In front of it, there is the Hostal Condes de Ribagorza and its restaurant is a reference for eating in Montañana due to the traditional dishes they elaborate.

In the outskirts there is the Hostal Isidro which has a very good restaurant based on grilled meat.


Restaurante Pallas
Restaurante Hostal Condes de Ribagorza