Eating in Aínsa

Eating in Aínsa

This town from the province of Huesca is perfect to try different recipes. If you decide to eat in Aínsa, you will find a great and tasty confectionery. Are you coming?

The town on Aínsa is one of the most touristic places of the Pyrenees. Its natural appeal is unquestionable and is linked to the quality of its gastronomy and its people. For eating in Aínsa you must know that you’ll find land and hunting products. Beef and lamb are the protagonists of the local dishes.

In January it is typical to use products from the matanza such as morcillas, longanizas or ribs. Autumn is season of mushrooms and they are usually introduced in the restaurants’ menus where you can order: roasted ternasco, solomillo, caracoles con ajoaceite and chiretas.

Sweets also have an important presence in the area with its tortas anisadas, pastillos and crespillos de borraja. Another nice moment to go eating in Aínsa is the Morisma Festivity.

If you are looking for what to eat in Aínsa in bars we recommend going to the bars L’Alfil and La Carrasca, the two bestknown of the area.

Bar L’Alfil
Bar La Carrasca

There are many options for eating in Aínsa. Callizo is one of the most prestigious restaurants that mixes contemporary techniques with tradition by usid the best seasonal products.

The restaurant Bodegón de Mallacán is another classic for eating in Aísnsa. It has different areas and offers a diverse menu based on local dishes.

The restaurant Alberto is divided in two spaces and it is really traditional and you can try the best meats of the area.

La Parrilla should also be taken into consideration when eatin in Aínsa. Its kitchen is specialised in grilled food.

Restaurante Callizo
Restaurante Bodegón de Mallacán