Eating in Zahara de los Atunes

Eating in Zahara de los Atunes

Zahara de los Atunes is one of the best coastal tourist destinations, both in the province of Cádiz and throughout Andalusia. If you really want to rest and enjoy the coast in all its splendor, its great beach stands out for staying away from the urban aggressions. Do you want to know the best options for eating in Zahara de los Atunes?

The gastronomic tradition of Zahara de los Atunes is directly linked to the products of the interior and the fishing tradition so present in this area of ​​the Cadiz coast. Among all the products that you have to eat in Zahara de los Atunes, bluefin tuna is undoubtedly the most popular. Their fishing continues today in a traditional way: using the trap method twice a year, coinciding with the passage of tuna to the Mediterranean and its subsequent return. Tuna meat is prepared in different ways, some of which are grilled, onions, salted, stewed or roasted. Beyond tuna, other fish and seafood such as dogfish, sole, red mullet, anchovies or sardines are also very present at lunchtime in Zahara de los Atunes. The zahareño culinary imaginary is completed with several specialties such as gazpacho, ajoblanco, oxtail stew, shrimp omelettes, fried fish or all kinds of traditional sausages from the interior of the province.

If what you are looking for to eat in Zahara de los Atunes are good tapas places, the town stands out for its high presence, but undoubtedly some of the best valued are Zoko, an attractive proposal of contemporary cut and classic cuisine;  Casa Juanito El Costero, probably the most famous local tapas restaurant.

Tapas Zoko
Bar Casa Juanito El Costero

The options for eating in Zahara de los Atunes are delicious and stand out for their variety. Antonio is one of the most popular establishments in the town, a restaurant that offers good fish, seafood and meats following the guidelines of the traditional cuisine of the area, although interpreted according to more modern dictates.

The Taberna de El Campero is a restaurant to consider for eating in Zahara de los Atunes. Its specialty is products from the sea, served in the form of dishes, rations and various tapas, especially wild red tuna.

Another place where you can enjoy good local cuisine is 21, a modern restaurant that has its base in Cadiz classic stoves and uses products of indigenous origin and recognized quality.

Restaurante Antonio
Restaurante La Taberna de El Campero
Bar 21