Cebolla Fuentes of Ebro

The denomination of Cebolla Fuentes of Ebro pertains to the region containing the  riverbanks of the Ginel River and Ebro River, an area that covers the municipalities Fuentes de Ebro, Mediana de Aragón, Osera de Ebro, Pina de Ebro, Quinto, and Villafranca de Ebro. The onions are characterized by their smooth flavor, with tender layers and no aftertaste. It is a round root with white outer layers, with the exception of the earlier onions, who are a greenish white color.

Other differentiating characteristic is the amount of water it holds making it softer, more tender, and less spicy. This variety is perfect for the kitchen because, among other options, it can be easily caramelized, without sugar, because of its natural sweetness.

The zones in which they cultivate this onion are windy, they have a steppe microclimate, and they have little rainfall, and the soil is fertile. All this, in addition to the traditional and manual techniques that are still used in the process, are what maintain the quality of this product.

From the time of the Romans, the onion has been an important part of Spanish food, for both the poor and the rich, for its special properties. Its consumption was customary among the romans to strengthen the health of the soldiers or as a method of curing various ailments. It was for this reason that the Romans constructed an important irrigation system that, in later years, would be perfected by the Muslims. This Arabic irrigation system is still preserved.

Legend has it that after El Cid’s victory over Sancho Ramírez, the Zaragozans came to greet him in Fuentes de Ebro, and while el Cid enjoyed his welcome, he was invited to taste a dish typical of Fuentes de Ebro: “Pichones con Cebolla Fuentes de Ebro”.

Little by little, this onion’s fame spread across the country up until current times, when it was given a Denominación de Origen.

Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Protegida Cebolla Fuentes de Ebro
Plaza de la Constitución nº 4
50740 – Fuentes de Ebro – Zaragoza ( España )
Tfno. 976 16 91 00
Fax 976 16 91 06
Email: info@cebollafuentesdeebro.com