Judión of La Granja

In 2013, the Judión of La Granja got the Marca de Garantía, which validates these dried beans, separating them from the variation of the species called Phaseolus Coccineus or Phaseolus Multiflorus. These beans must have certain characteristics pertaining to both the plant and the grain itself. It is a long and curved legume, measuring 10 to 30 cm in length. The bean is white, and it can be flat on one side, with a diameter of 2 to 3 cm, and its thickness can vary from 4 mm to 15mm. It is only sold commercially in the categories Extra and Primera, which must be whole and clean with no external deformations like spots or coloration. The result is a pleasant and quality flavor that distinguishes itself with its fine coverage and its extreme softness after cooking.

In addition to its excellent flavor, the bean offers properties that are beneficial for one’s health. This legume has a high percentage of fiber and linoleic acid that stimulates the regular movements of the intestines and lowers the blood cholesterol levels.

Its name is an allusion to its origin: the Real Sitio de San Ildefonso. From South America, the French gardeners of La Granja introduced the legume with the objective of acclimating it to the climate and using it as the basis of livestock feed, as well as an ornamental purpose. This evolved into fields for cultivations, and with the passage of time, into entire orchards for the servants of the palace to tend as compensation for their rents and to increase production. It was then, it is believed, when the famous clearing began, because the legumes began to turn a blackish purple early on, so they were cleared until they displayed the desired appearance.

From the heart of La Granja, the legumes were spread to the plains of Erema and Pirón. In 1954 they celebrated the first Judiada, in Casa Cándido, and after this success, it began to be offered on the menus of the major restaurants. The fame of this legume known as “Judión de La Granja” continued to rise until, in 1975, the Alcalde Celso de la Fuente initiated in the Real Sitio the Judiada of friends that, currently, continues to be celebrated coinciding with the festival of San Luis.

The office of the Asociación “Tutor del Judión de La Granja” can be found in:
Ayuntamiento del Real Sitio de San Ildefonso.
Plaza de Los Dolores nº1
40100 – San Ildefonso
Segovia, España
Tfno./ Fax.: 921 47 00 18