The Way to Santiago through Euskadi

The Way to Santiago through Euskadi has two variants that go to Santiago de Compostela. The first option is the Camino through the Coast, maybe this is the most known of the two routes. However, there is also a Jacobean route that goes through the interior of Euskadi. These two options to do the Way to Santiago through Euskadi allow the pilgrim to discover wonderful places.

The Camino de Santiago through the Basque coast

The “Camino de la Costa” goes through the coast of Gipuzkoa before entering Bizkaia. This is one of the oldest pilgrimage routes. Through this tour, pilgrims can enjoy very different environments. Fishing and rural towns, big cities… everything has a place in this route.


Stage 1. Hondarribia – San Sebastián

This first coastal stage of the Way to Santiago through Euskadi is very symbolic. It starts at the bridge of Santiago de Irún. You can also start in Hondarribia and cross the Bidasoa river by boat from Hendaia. In this first stage you will find mountain ranges next to the sea, river mouths, beautiful views of the sea, fishing villages… Without a doubt, the end is another of its strong points: San Sebastián.

Stage 2. San Sebastián – Zarautz

In this stage the most abrupt part is recovered. Leaving the capital of Guipúzcoa you will again have incredible landscapes with the Cantabrian Sea in the background. Zarautz has one of the best beaches in the entire Cantabrian coast, so this stage has an unbeatable climax.


Stage 3. Zarautz – Deba

In this stage you will pass through the ports of Getaria and Zumaia. Without a doubt, you can not miss the flysch of Zumaia. Another of the most special moments of this stage is at Itziar. There is a sanctuary where the black virgin is worshiped. This virgin is one of the oldest and most venerated virgins of Guipúzcoa.

Stage 4. Deba – Markina-Xemein

In this stage, leaving Deba there is a image of the river merging with the sea. Here, the Guipuzcoan coastline will be abandoned to enter the rural Bizkaia. From this stage, the path will be more demanding but at the same time, it will be so beautiful. If you look for peace and moments of solitude,you will love it. Nature will gain prominence.


Stage 5. Markina-Xemein – Gernika-Lumo

Leaving Markina-Xemein you will find places of great beauty. The town of Bolibar will enchant you. When you continue advancing you will find the old Collegiate Church of Ziortza, a unique religious monument. Gernika is an incredible finish point because of its historical and symbolic value. You can not miss the Casa de Juntas and the historic Gernika oak.

Stage 6. Gernika-Lumo – Bilbao

In this stage, the landscape will be changing, becoming more and more urban. The colophon will be at Bilbao. In this cosmopolitan city you can not miss its Oldtown, the famous Guggenheim museum or its town hall.

Casa de Juntas de Gernika

Stage 7. Bilbao – Portugalete

Although this stage will be full of asphalt and cement, on the climb to Mount Kobeta, you can enjoy stunning views of the valley of the Nervión. In Portugalete it is almost mandatory to see the suspension bridge, the first of its style built around the world.

Stage 8. Portugalete – Kobaron

In this stage, the sea is again present. This is the last coastal stage of the Way to Santiago through Euskadi. This is one of the sections of the Northern Camino with better views.

Puente Colgante de Portugalete