Daroca and Its Medieval Fair

The Medieval Fair of Daroca, on the last weekend in July, consists of 48 hours of revival of the most glorious days in the history of Medieval Spain.

Daroca is one of the cities in Spain that is known for one of the richest medieval histories in the province of Zaragoza. The one that, because of its strategic position, it was considered the Puerta Fuerte de Aragón in front of the Castilian advance, comes to life for two days at the end of July in the form of a medieval market with all kinds of exhibits and historical recreations. The main area of the medieval fair of Daroca is the Calle Mayor, which is adorned for the occasion with banners and awnings in which all kinds of iconography are represented. On both sides of the street are stalls that sell food and local artisan products to locals and visitors alike. During the medieval fair, people dress as if it were the 13th century, and the town is filled with a strong medieval feeling.

The historic district of the town is converted into a stage for all kinds of events: medieval choral and musical concerts, falconry shows, exhibitions, guided tours of the most interesting corners of the town, and battle and jousting shows with medieval armor and weapons. But one of the strong points of the fair are the historical reenactments that take place between professionals in the field. In the years that the fair has been celebrated, all kinds of events and legends associated with the city have been recreated in the streets of Daroca. Thus, it has been possible to see Pedro IV of Aragón proclaim that “Because of its merits…I order that the village of Daroca be named a city, and its inhabitants, citizens!” It has seen again the famous legend of the Morica Encantada, the episodes of the war between the Dos Pedros, the arrival of the mule with the procession of saints, and other events of both the real and the fantastical past of the city of Daroca.

One of the defining characteristics of the medieval fair of Daroca is its complete transformation. All the musicians, locals, puppeteers, minstrels, craftsmen, spectators, and even the city itself   and the surrounding areas dress in their best medieval livery and prepare to relive the most glorious points of the city. It is one of the best medieval festivals in Spain.