Sleep in Aguilar de Campoo

Sleep in Aguilar de Campoo

Aguilar de Campoo has a terrific history, reflected in the Romanesque architecture of its buildings. The main attractions are the collegiate church, the Santa María La Real monastery and the Plaza Mayor. If you plan to stay in Aguilar de Campoo, here are our suggestions.

Ermita de Santa Cecilia y castillo
Claustro Monasterio de Santa María la Real

Our favourite hotel in Aguilar de Campoo is the Hotel Posada Santa María La Real, a refurbished monastery that includes the village history museum and a restaurant. The building maintains classic elements, such as wooden beams and the terracotta floor. There is a garden and the restaurant has a varied menu, mixing traditional and modern cuisine.

Another good option is the Hotel Restaurante Valentín, a central hotel with a good staff. We especially recommend the restaurant, that offers a traditional cuisine at a good price.

The Hotel Villa de Aguilar is an ordinary hotel with a mediocre service. If you don’t have the possibility to stay at another hotel, you can stay here. It has a good value for money.

Hotel Posada Santa María La Real
Hotel Restaurante Valentín

If you don’t want to stay in Aguilar de Campoo, we can recommend you a couple of hotels outside of the village. The best option is, without a doubt, the Hotel Cildá, with a good value for money. Located in a natural environment, it is decorated with rustic furniture, especially in the garden.

11 km from Aguilar de Campoo we find the Hotel Rural Tardes al Sol, a friendly place with a pleasant treatment.

Hotel Cildá
Hotel Rural Tardes al Sol